Krata, designed by Rémi Forte, takes a generative approach to type design. Located at the junction of design and programming, the typeface follows a minimalist and radical logic.
Inspired by Karl Gerstner’s Designing Programmes and Metafont by Donald Knuth, Rémi Forte reinterprets a dynamic approach to type design, where glyphs’ contours are considered a flexible physical envelope placed over a framework.
Rémi Forte developed a program in Python, the technical heart of Krata, which applies a pattern of horizontal or vertical lines to a glyph according to an elementary frame placed on a grid. These creative restrictions delineate formal possibilities and can be a source of inventiveness for designers.
Comprising only capital letters, Krata is a variable titling font. Its weight axis makes maximum use of type design restrictions. The interpolation from the Thin to Black styles evolves the stroke from the thinnest to the thickest possible, flirting with the limits of legibility.
9 Styles
1 Variable
OpenType Features
Character Map
Supported Languages
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